“I am constantly distracted.”

“I am always afraid that I am going to forget important things.”

“I feel like my brain works differently than others.”

“I have a hard time getting things done.”

“I struggle with feeling really low lows and experiencing high highs.”

“I worry others will perceive me as lazy or uncaring.”

I have an ADD or ADHD diagnosis. What do I do now? How do I function in a 9 to 5 world? Am I going to be able to succeed given that I work and think differently than others? These are all questions that many people who experience ADD and ADHD struggle with. It can be difficult to figure out how to accommodate one’s unique experience of ADD or ADHD in professional, social, and intrapersonal spaces. By discussing with one of our therapists the day-to-day experience of being a person living with ADD or ADHD, you can discover healthy ways to work with your brain instead of against it. 

We are here to help you discover how to have a fulfilling life while also appreciating your uniqueness and your life experience by:

  • Discussing the stigma of ADD and ADHD and ways to address it

  • Learning self-compassion

  • Discovering life strategies that work for you

  • Developing healthy sleeping patterns

  • Learning to work with the ebbs and flows of executive dysfunction and hyperfixation

  • Finding support and community 

  • Navigating relationships

  • Managing household tasks

  • Substance use and addiction

  • Shame

  • Anxiety and Depression

If you find yourself struggling with navigating the world and your relationship with yourself because of an ADHD or ADD diagnosis, don’t hesitate to reach out to us today for a free 15 minute consultation with one of our clinicians.